What is copywriting?

A copywriter is a marketing professional focused on writing words called “copy” that sell your product, service, or idea. Think- Don Draper from Mad Men coming up with a one-line zinger for an ad campaign.

The magic of great copy is how simple it appears from the outside looking in. The famous line, “Just do it,” first began as a campaign to empower athletes in 1987. 30+ years later, it’s still relevant; It wasn’t a slogan, it was a brand motto that represented what the company believed in.

Copywriting is a complex occupation that involves strategic brand positioning and market research.

How long will it take for you to write my content?

While many copywriters will tell you that they can produce a one-liner in minutes (that’s true! #bookbeni), the real work is in market research, brainstorming, strategic planning, and merciless editing. The best copywriters will take time to understand your customer’s needs, your industry, and your business goals.

Your project timeline will change depending on the product. An email could take 30 minutes to an hour, while a total rebrand could take 24-72 hours or more. If you’re building out a big idea, expect your copywriting project to take a minimum of 3 weeks.

You should also expect to revisit your idea and revise as it naturally unfolds. Good copy is always worth the investment; The way you tell your story online can make or break your business.

Will the copy sell my products?

You wouldn’t leave your brick-and-mortar store unattended without a salesperson. Having an online presence without a professional copywriter is like leaving your shop wide open for your customers to help themselves. Good copy means you have an online sales representative to greet your customers.

While a copywriter will complement your existing business strategy, it’s not everything you need to increase your revenue. In other words, it helps a lot; It’s not the whole kit and kaboodle.

I also need _________. Can you recommend a professional?

I have creative friends for your design projects. If you’re looking for a web developer, social media manager, an app, or something else, I will do my best to try and find a professional who can do the job. I’m actively working on growing a strong referral network (but I’m very picky).

Who said the quotes on the homepage?

I’m so glad you asked! I didn’t want to leave those uncredited. "Houston, we have a problem," Tom Hanks, Apollo 13, 1995. "Nobody puts Baby in a corner," Patrick Swayze, Dirty Dancing, 1987. “I’ll make him an offer he can’t refuse,” Marlon Brando, The Godfather, 1972. Not to be confused with a similar line from Al Pacino which is slightly different, “I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse." Can you believe my mother didn’t know what movie that line came from?!

What should I do first?

That’s the easiest question yet, you imaginary person, you.

Book Beni for a creative consultation, of course!